Formal school education
Education makes a child dream of a better tomorrow and creates a strong aspiration to uplift the living conditions of his/her family, community and society.
Sri Sandeepani Gurukula Trust provides quality formal school education to children predominantly in rural areas. Our objective is to provide a nurturing environment for children so that they become morally and socially responsible adults.
Classrooms have been constructed and upgraded with toilet blocks. Facilities like Smartclass have been implemented in schools run by village panchayats.
Panchayat High School, Mahanyam Village, (near Sriperumbudur taluk, Kancheepuram District) and Panchayat Middle School, Senganur Village, (near Thirupanandal, Kumbakonam region) are supported by us.
Free Coaching Centres and Classes
Our group of volunteers provide regular coaching sessions in rural communities and centres at Mahatma Sri Sri Krishnapremi Swamigal Free Coaching Centre, Senganur Village and Sri Premika Varadan Free Coaching Centre at Madhurapuri Ashram.
Vedic Schools
‘Sanathana Dharma’ is the oldest religion in the world. With the blessings of Madhuri Sakhi Samedha Sri Premika Varadhan, Sri Swamiji established Sri Sandeepani Gurukulam, named after Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s Guru, on 12th June 1995, the 101st Jayanthi Mahotsav of Kanchi Sri Chandrashekarendra Saraswathi Swami who dedicated His life to propagation of Vedic Dharma.
Sri Sandeepani Gurukula Trust strives to preserve our Vaidhika Dharma by imparting Vedic knowledge to students, supporting Vedic scholars and conducting Veda parayanam/conferences. Ithihasas and puranas are also taught here.
Students are also being trained in regular school curriculum. The Gurukulam prides itself with a well-equipped library named ‘Vani Pusthaka Kosham’. The boarding and medical needs of the students are taken care of by the Trust.
Following Sri Sandeepani Gurukulam, here are the list of the other Vedic schools established by us subsequently, which strive for the perpetuation of Vaidhikha Dharma and preserving our national heritage, art and culture.