With the blessings of Madhuri Sakhi sameta Sri Premika Varadan, Sri Swamiji established Sri Sandeepani Gurukulam. This patasala is named after Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s Guru, Sandeepani. It was inaugurated open on 12th June 1995, the 101st Jayanti
Sri Sandeepani Gurukulam

With the blessings of Madhuri Sakhi sameta Sri Premika Varadan, Sri Swamiji established Sri Sandeepani Gurukulam. This patasala is named after Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s Guru, Sandeepani. It was inaugurated open on 12th June 1995, the 101st Jayanti Mahotsav of Kanchi Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swami who dedicated his life to propagation of Vedic Dharma. Sri Sandeepani Gurukula Trust strives to preserve our Vaidhika Dharma by imparting Vedic knowledge to students, supporting Vedic scholars and conducting Veda parayanam/conferences. Presently there are nearly 70 students learning Yajur Veda and Sama Veda under the able guidance of the principal and 9adhyapaks (teachers). Itihasas and Puranas are also taught here. Students are also trained in regularschool curriculum. The Gurukulam prides itselfon its well-equipped library named ‘Vani PustakaKosham’. The boarding and medical needs of the students are taken care of by the Trust.