Whenever you feel you should come out of a habit, good or bad, you have to understand that it impossible to wake up one pleasant morning and find the habit gone. ‘Habits die hard’ they say.
The first rule of the thumb to quit a habit is that you should not pay too much attention to it by not thinking about it all the time.
The problem of habit is one side and the mental stress that we are caught in it adds on to the problem.
Remember, nothing is impossible.
First accept that ‘I am caught in the habit in some way, I need to come out of it’. Smoking creates a health issue.
Collect the information on negative impact of cigarette smoking and read it many number of times every day and think about it. Every time you are in good spirits, visualize yourself as the person who has totally quit the habit of smoking for about 5-10 minutes. Feel happy about it and thank the Lord for it.
If you can abstain from smoking for an extended period of time say a week, do not get into the habit on the 8th day. Prolong it as much as you can. This very period of ‘no-smoking’ would fill your heart with happiness which will in turn help in prolonging the period of ‘no-smoking’.
If suppose, you happen to break the period of ‘no-smoking’, then look back and see that you had managed to kick the habit for about a week. The frequency of smoking has come down. This should give you the strength to start afresh to stop smoking.
Whenever you get a chance , tell others about the ill effects of smoking. This would help you in two ways :
One as a positive reinforcement to prevent the craving, Two, since you talk about ill effects, you would get a positive pressure to quit as you want to walk the talk of quitting to smoke.
Read more and more about the greatness and penance of great Sadhus. Once you reflect on the greatness of great Saints, you would get the strength and confidence in quitting this habit.
Generally when a person is found to break his vows often, it is an indication of an inadequate will power. If you can chant Hanuman Chalisa and think about Sri Hanuman at least once a day, it will help in strengthening the will power.