Does Maha mantra chanting also need initiation from Swamiji or it can be chanted anytime? I want to have Swamiji as my Guru while chanting. Does this need initiation or can the Maha Mantra be chanted without initiation?

Mahamantra can be chanted anytime, anywhere and by anyone. However it gives multi-fold benefits if chanted after initiation from a Guru.

I seem to understand that everything else except Nama is immaterial in this world. However I am not able to concentrate on my chanting for a long period of time.

Continuously chant the Nama — as much as you can, whenever you can and leave the rest to Him. He will take care of you.

I feel lazy to chant the Maha Mantra. So I play a Maha Mantra audio CD and keep listening to it. Is it as good as chanting?

It has been said that hearing (‘sravanam’) yields the same punya as chanting the Maha Mantra. That is the reason behind ‘karna mantra’ (chanting the Lord’s Name in the ears in one’s deathbed). However if you slowly practice chanting it, then in due course, you will taste the sweetness of the Maha Mantra in your tongue.

I have been chanting the Mahamantra for quite a while. But day by day, I am becoming poorer financially and as such losing mental peace. Is there anything wrong going on?

There is nothing going wrong with respect to your chanting. Persist in chanting and efforts to get better financially. Nama can only help you in this journey. Mahamantra knows only to bless.

Some people say that if we chant the Maha Mantra loud, we can benefit only 25%, if we whisper 50% benefit, but if we chant in our mind without any sound, we get 100% benefit. Yet some others do not agree with this. Please explain the correct way.

These conditions and percentages do not apply for the Mahamantra.

In our western countries, some gifted artists chant Mahamantra on non-traditional airs or with a western influence. If the melody inspires devotion or joy, do you think, that may be also valid?

Yes, to some extent.

Is there any need to count the numbers while chanting the Maha Mantra?

When a child calls out his mother’s name with love, he would not count the number of times he called out. Would he? When Nama Kirtan is done with true love and devotion, the count doesn’t matter. Though it is a fact that you are liberated even if you chant the Maha Mantra once, chant continuously if you desire a sorrow-free journey through life and if you wish to see God face-to-face within this lifetime.

Even while trying to chant the ‘Mahamantra’, my mind wanders, and thinks about how others have wronged me. With such a corrupted mind, how can I let go of the past?

When mind wanders while chanting Mahamantra, understand that it is very natural for a mind to wander as it carries the burden of past tendencies. Allow the mind to wander and when it returns continue chanting. What you resist persists. Do not judge other thoughts as terrible or normal. Instead of fighting the mind, allow it in its way and continue chanting. Soon by the strength of Nama and prayers, mind gets the maturity to let go of unnecessary past.

I am devotee of Sri Balaji Bhagavan. i do worship to Him. I chant the MahaMantra regularly. When I chant, my mind wavers. So I have to concentrate it on something. I get confused whether I should meditate on Balaji Pratima or on the Mahamantra. Please help.

You chant the Mahamantra thinking of the divine compassion and love of Balaji Bhagavan. That is the best meditation.

If the word Vishnu means Omnipresent then everything in this world is God. In this aspect, Advaita philosophy is acceptable and easily understandable. Shall I follow this principle along with the chanting of Mahamantra? Or shall I chant Mahamantra alone?

Just chant the Mahamantra. That will indeed lead you to the true philosophy.