Bhavas in Srimad Bhagavatam

The seed, tree and the fruit

The third sloka of the first chapter of the first canto of Srimad Bhagavatam talks about Bhagavatam being the very essence of the fruit of the tree called the Vedas. Although he it does not
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The Curse of a Brahma Jnani

The curse of a Brahma Jnani is indeed very powerful. When the Lord wishes to destroy something that is under His own protection, He accomplishes it only by means of a curse from the mouth of a
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Grace of God for the worldly

One should get the grace of the Lord before entering into worldly affairs. With the grace of the Lord protecting you, you will be least affected by the world, just like the kid who holds a pole
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The Seven forms of Life

A person can take birth as any of the seven life forms: Devas, humans, terrestrial animals, aerial life forms, crawling creatures, aquatic beings and plants. In Srimad Bhagavatam, we see that it was
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When does one get Bhagavatam?

Srimad Bhagavatam is a narration of the glories of the Lord by Sage Suka to king Parikshit. Going by this logic, the Purana should have commenced with the story of Parikshit. But how does the
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The Fear of Death

The throat of a snake is only as thick as a needle. So when it catches a prey, it takes a tremendously long time to ingest it. The snake does not use its tongue to kill its prey. This is because
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The Supreme Truth

Srimad Bhagavatam starts with a meditation on the ‘Param’ (the highest) Truth – The One Truth that is the cause for all creation sustenance and dissolution. The last verse of Srimad Bhagavatam
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Bhavas in Srimad Bhagavatam – 3

Given below are a few excerpts from Sri Sri Swamiji’s recent expounding of Srimad Bhagavatam: The twelve cantos Srimad Bhagavatam consists of 12 cantos. Each of these cantos contains a bunch of
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The advice to Rahugana

In Jadabharata’s advice to Rahugana, the former says that the best Sadhana is to bath oneself with the dust from the foot of a Jivan Mukta Guru (‘vinA mahat pAda rajObhishekam’).
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Astonishing (‘adbutham’)

In Srimad Bhagavatam, Sage Suka uses the term ‘Adbutham’ (astonishing) while describing three avatars of the Lord — Krishna Avatar, Narasimha Avatar, Vamana
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Change in stance?

In the second Canto, Sage Suka tells Parikshit that one should go in search of satsang and Guru. He also says that one should renounce his house, and belongings. Are there no shelters provided by
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