Weekly Blossoms

The Magic of the Guru’s Love

Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmyam, at the very outset, says: Chintaamanir-loka-sukham suradruhu swargasampadam prayacchati guruhu preeto Vaikuntam yogidurlabham’ — Chintamani bestows worldly
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Just Listen!

Many people wish to lead a balanced spiritual life by nurturing divine thoughts. The intent is excellent. But, practically speaking, how easy is it to actually focus the mind on spiritual matters?
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“Joy and sorrow in this world are only the fruits of past choices and acts (prarabda)” is the now universally accepted tenet enshrined in our Sanatana Dharma. This implies that a present
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Force of Mahan’s Compassion

Everyone is aware that the Brahma Sutras, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita are the three grantas (holy texts) that have to be read and followed by those who desire moksha (Liberation). These three holy
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Rising in Divine Love

It is truly surprising that many people in the world reserve bhakti (devotion) for old age. As if bhakti marga (path of divine love) is a retirement plan! Think about it. No one postpones the act of
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What a great fortune!

All of us who are in satsang are fortunate and blessed indeed! The world is very large with crores of jivas (souls). But our life is totally different from that of others. What is the reason for
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There God is! – Part 3

The letter ‘D’ represents Destroyer! From morn till night we are preoccupied with work, worries, etc. A man working at the office is expected to do so many things. He is expected to shoulder
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There God is! – Part 2

Where the head bows down, There God is… God has the power and the intelligence to create this vast universe consisting of the sun, moon, stars, planets, earth, ocean, etc. He not only creates this
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There God is! – Part 1

“Where is God?” This question was placed before a Jnani (Realized Soul). Several people visit a jnani—the learned and the laymen, the rich and the poor. It is difficult to even get a glance of
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