A special invite to Brindavan
Sri Satyanarayanan of our satsang shares his experience of his, which goes to show how the Guru’s grace is with us in every moment of our life.
It was the summer of 2001. 15th March, to be precise. The scorching heat of the March sun did not seem to spare any of the Chennai residents, including me. I was on my bike, heading to Mr. Srinivasan’s residence in Chetput, Chennai.
I was specially overjoyed that day, as it was only that morning that I had received the glad news of passing CA Final Examination. I was then going to each of my teachers’ homes to thank them personally for my success. (Mr. Srinivasan taught me Operations Research for CA Final Examination).
I was traveling on Spur Tank Road and had put on the indicator. I was about take a right turn.
My joy had another major reason behind it. I was slated to travel to Brindavan the very next day for the Bhaghavata Saptaha Shatakrutu organized by our Satsang. My mind was reminiscing the delightful experiences that we had with His Holiness on our previous Brindavan Yatra which took place a few years back then. I was recounting those blissful moments and my mind was already imagining how this trip is going to be!
A sudden jolt from behind interrupted my train of thoughts. The next thing that I realized was that I was sitting on the road. I had no clue about what happened. My mind went totally blank. Without any further thought, I got up and started walking in a split second.
A truck that came from behind at a very high speed had actually struck my bike and my bike went missing. It was later found under the truck some twenty feet away.
As I walked up to the footpath, a crowd of around 100 people gathered around the spot and started shouting at the truck driver for his careless driving. They were astonished by the miraculous escape I had and said I was very lucky.
Based on feedback, I learnt that the truck had hit the bike from behind on one side and pulled it along. Somehow I fell on the road as if someone had lifted me up and placed me there. For all practical reasons, I should also have gone under the truck along with the bike, and perhaps thoroughly deformed too, taking into account the force and velocity of the hit. This was indeed a miracle for everyone there. Another thing I was informed was, had I not got up immediately and started walking, I would have been hit by a bus coming from behind.
I was unhurt except for minor scratches on my palm as it was rested on the road. The bike also suffered damages on the side that went down.
Even while I was standing in the midst of the crowd arguing with the truck driver, a slim woman waded her way in and called me. With a smiling face and folded hands she greeted “Radhe Krishna!”, I looked at her and returned the greeting mechanically and continued arguing. She called me again and greeted “Radhe Krishna!” and I returned this time with a smile brought on to my face. I didn’t notice her after that.
Later that day I was recollecting the entire sequence of events to my friend, and when I was telling him about the lady, I realized she was wearing a very ordinary sari, gopichandan on her forehead, tulsimala on her neck, a cloth bag on her shoulder and that she could come and go easily unnoticed.
The next day, it was my train to Brindavan….
Pilgrimages have their merits, reading holy scriptures have their own merits, regularly visiting temples and taking a dip in holy rivers have their merits. But can one limit the grace and compassion of the Satguru in that by merely reminiscing Him, the gravest of dangers are averted! And even if we seem to momentarily lose consciousness of that fact, He appears there to remind us and reassure our faith in Him!
And for me this was a special reminder from our beloved Guru Maharaj! I consider it as a special personal invite extended to me by Him to Brindavan!