Rain out of a clear sky!
Ms. Nirmala Giri of our satsang remnisces yet another experience with His Holiness.
Once I went to have darshan of Sri Guruji at the Mathurapuri Ashram. Sri Guruji was at the Ashram as a huge well was to be dug on the Ashram ground away from the building that is the Ashram office now but was the kitchen then. As it was to be a huge well a professional to blow out the ground with shells was expected.
At about four in the evening — Sri Guruji, Venkatesan [the Ashram cowherd], Smt. Aandaal [an elderly lady devotee of Sri Guruji] and I were at the place where the well had been dug. Sri Guruji was standing close by looking into the well and inspecting how much water was in it. Guruji suddenly shifted His gaze from the well towards me and asked, “Will it rain today?”
I looked at the sky. It was clear and bright. There was absolutely no sign of even a small dark cloud, and it was summer.
I replied quite confidently, “No, Guruji! It will not rain!”
“Are you sure it will not rain? He asked with a smile.
I answered, “Sure, Guruji! It will not rain!”
“Oh! It will not rain!” repeated Sri Guruji.
I did not wonder when Sri Guruji repeated the question once more but gave the same reply as if I was the controller of rains.
Sri Guruji turned His head to His right and looked up. No sooner had He looked up than a big dark rain cloud appeared from nowhere and it began to drizzle heavily. I still failed to comprehend what was happening. Smt. Aandaal moved towards the Ashram building and I followed suit. By the time we covered that distance of a few hundred feet it began to pour cats and dogs. Guruji and Venkatesan also moved in.
Sri Guruji looked at me and asked, “Did you not tell that it will not rain? But see it is pouring down heavily?”
I just smiled still not catching the point!
But Sri Guruji repeated it, “You said that it would not rain but it is raining!”
Still failing to catch the point that my Guru was trying to drive into me I said, “Yes, Guruji. I said it would not rain but it is raining!”
The Guru patiently drives home the point even into a dull headed disciple!
For the next hour or so Sri Guruji had nothing to say but just these words, “You said that it will not rain but it is pouring cats and dogs!”
At last the dull head caught the point and said, “Guruji! I am very sorry. Out of ignorance I said so. How can I know if it would rain or not? Please forgive me!”