The Guardian against evil spells

Ambur is a lively town located in the Vellore district., about 3 hours drive from Chennai city. This town is full of steadfast devotees of our Guru Maharaj. They are all simple people with simple minds, simple life-styles and steadfast faith on the Maha Mantra. For them Sri Sri Swamiji’s word is the divine command and the Maha Mantra is the only worship. All events- be it personal or social in the lives these devotees are marked by Mahamantra Kirtan.

At the request of the devotees, Sri Swamiji consented to visit the famous Muruga Temple located in the Ambur Sugar Mills campus.

To give a brief background about this temple, it was once thronged by devotees. Suddenly the number of visitors to the temple started dwindling rapidly and the activities in the temple too came to a standstill. Nobody could figure out the reason for this unexpected turn of events.
The representatives of the Sugar mills had heard about our Guru Maharaj through their friends in Ambur and made up their minds that Sri Swamiji alone could help them solve this problem . They invited Sri Swamiji to the temple and Sri Swamiji too visited the temple a couple of months ago.

Even as He entered the temple, Sri Swamiji asked those around if there had been any unnatural death in the campus. The locals were taken aback totally. They could not believe their ears. ‘Yes Swamiji’, they said in a coy yet perplexed tone, ‘You are absolutely correct. A person was murdered here . In fact, we were too embarrassed to disclose this matter to you.’

Sri Swamiji told them that all this undesirable things were happening in the temple because of that only and suggested some remedial measures and Mahamantra Kirtan. The temple authorities implemented it immediately and organized Maha Mantra Kirtan.

Very recently, Swamiji visited the temple again. the sadness that was seen in the faces of the temple representatives last time around was not there. They were no more gloomy. All faces wore a broad smile. They had followed the words of Swamiji and things were getting back to normalcy. Devotees had once again begun visiting the temple as before and everything was beginning to look up and positive like before .

They profusely thanked Sri Sri Swamiji for his goodwill and compassion in rejuvenating the temple and bringing back its lost glory.

Sri Sri Swamiji just gave a gentle smile, which expressed the motherly affection and love that a million words cannot express.