The Transformation

Sri Ramachandran of our satsang, who is involved in Nama Prachar in our satsang, explains how he his a happy person by the Grace of Sri Swamiji:

I am a Chartered accountant and was working for Software Company in Finance during 2001. It was during that time I had Sri Swamiji’s darshan for the first time. I was in such a pressure that I wanted to leave my employment and to find a new one as I was not happy with the work environment. My family condition was such that I had to continue with some committed monthly earnings for the family and could not quit the job before I get a new one. This truly reflected my personality then, which was one of worrying and bothering too much over mundane and trifling matters.

On the first instance when I detailed about this to Sri Swamiji, Swamiji told me, ‘Why don’t we practice?’.

As it is normally the case with most of us, I couldn’t, then, understand the profundity and inner implications of Sri Sri Swamiji’s words; I immediately declined and explained that my regular earnings are a must to run the family. I also thought that my elder brother was also in practice and was not doing very well, it wouldn’t work well for me too.

By Sri Sri Swamiji’s grace I got involved in Nama Prachara (propagation) as directed by Sri Sri Swamiji, and soon came to realize that, while Chanting Nama tunes and refines a person’s thoughts, Nama propagation catalyzes it!

During this period I was working in the same company where I had earlier complained about the problems but now, I had no time to think about those as I was engaged in Satsang activities and was a happy person.

In October 2002 I had to leave my job as the company, all of a sudden, went bankrupt and although I searched for a job, couldn’t get a one till the end of February 2003. To my surprise, against my worrying nature, I did not even bother for loosing/searching for employment during this period but was serious in finding a one – I realized that I had started imbibing in myself Sri Sri Swamiji’s teachings of insisting on perfection and being true to one’s own self while doing any work!

Eventually, as it always happens, I went and surrendered to Sri Sri Swamiji and asked for the way out. Sri Swamiji asked me to settle down in the practice with Sri Sathyanarayanan of our Satsang.

Till date, I am extremely comfortable in the practice. Being in a hassle-free job and earning enough, I am able to better involve myself in Nama propagation activities as well.

Even now, when I think of Swamiji’s grace on my transformation during these six years, it bewilders me a lot! The change in my attitude, way of thinking, speech and action has been quite discernable, and yet subtle!

I sincerely pray to Sri Swamiji that more and more devotees get as fortunate as me in getting involved in propagation of Nama Kirtan and enjoying the peace and bliss that I experience every moment.