The Divine Touch

Saints and holy men possess divinity and this divine power is transferred to any person or object who are blessed with their touch.
There once lived a woman who suffered from a deadly disease for twelve years. No doctor was able to cure her of the disease. She was told that only Jesus could cure her.
Therefore, with the desire of meeting the Christ, she went to the place where a huge crowd awaited him. As soon as Jesus arrived there, people surrounded him and she was unable to go anywhere near him. With the deep yearning to receive the Christ’s blessings she tried hard to get near him but only managed to touch the tip of the Christ’s cloak. All at once she was cured of the deadly disease! Jesus who stood in the middle of the crowd exclaimed, “Some one has just touched my cloak.” Peter, one of the Christ’s Apostle said that the vast crowd was pressing against him. But Jesus said, “Someone did touch me, for I was aware that power had gone out of me!”
Once, a writer came to have darshan of Bhagavan Yogiramsuratkumar, the Sage, who lived in Tiruvannamalai until a few years back. When he met the Sage, he handed over a ‘japa mala’ (rosary) to him with a request for his blessings. No sooner had Yogiji received the ‘japa mala’ in his hands than he quipped, “I have already blessed this ‘japa mala’.”
The writer was taken aback. He had, indeed, given the same ‘japa mala’ to Yogiji many years ago and had it blessed!
With tears in his eyes, he asked how Yogiji could know this. Yogiji replied, “Whenever I touch something, it becomes different!”