Bhakta Vijayam at Pune

Sri Hari Hara Subramanian rendered Bhakta Vijayam pravachan at Sri Ganapathy Mandir , Rastapeth, Pune from April 18-22. Around 70 devotees attended everyday.

Also on 22nd April , he spoke about Nama Mahimai at stapana day of Sri Sundara Ganapathy Temple at NIBM Road, Pune.

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  • Sudha Swaminathan April 24, 2023, 6:41 pm

    So nice pravachan and we all were blessed to attend & hear his speech.

  • Sudha Swaminathan April 24, 2023, 6:52 pm

    Wonderful discourse about all bhaktas. We were blessed to attend for all five days

  • R.SRIDHAR April 24, 2023, 8:01 pm

    It was with immense blessings by Sri Gurunadhar, Bhaktha Vijayam pravachan was conducted for 5 days at Rastapeth,Pune Ganapathy Mandir..We requested Bhagawathar Sri Hari Hara Subramanyan to visit NIBM ROAD, Pune Sri Sundara Ganapathy Mandir for a pravachan on “Nama Mahimai”..Jai Gurunath

  • K.SWAMINATHAN April 27, 2023, 7:47 am


  • chandrasekaran a r April 28, 2023, 9:57 am

    Gurubyo namah: with the blessings and guidance of our Beloved Guruji, 5 days pravachanam at SHHB samajam premises ,pune from 18/4 to 22/4 by Shri.R.Hari Hara Subramanian ( of Pune’s own Boy,Son of Guruji’sArdent devotee of Shri.Ramakrishnan) ( its a coincidence that Shri Hari Hara Subranyan pravachanam held at HARI HARI BHAJANA SAMAJAM) was a feast to all Bhaktas to listen ( First pravachanam of New Hindu YEAR SHOBHAKRUTU ) On various avataram and saints concluding with Aandal Kalyanam. Though young, his discourse contained the Jana Ranjaga quotes,made the listeners more attentive. One more promising Pravachankar under the umberla of Guruji. Wishing him every success. Hare RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE, HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA

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