Puranava Family Quiz at Singapore

With Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji’s grace and the blessings of Sri Madhurisaki Sametha Sri Premikavardha Swami, Namadwaar Singapore conducted its Annual Puranava 2023 with a live, face to face, team-based quiz for the very first time! With a blended setup of live and Zoom, the event had enthusiastic responses and a full house of 50 participants and many more spectating.

This year’s theme was all about India’s freedom achievements, Hindu festivals, Indian cuisine, and ancient history along with a special round on Singapore’s rise after World War 2.

There were enthusiastic participants from various Hindu organisations of Singapore and families of Hindu Community. The Quiz was for 3 hours. Dr Janani Vasudevan imparted the know-how , guidance, and organised interesting questions from Hindu Heritage. Dr Jananiji initiated the quiz with interesting questions. Shreya and Sanjana came up with engrossing questions about Singapore live from PGP hall from where the quiz was held. There was an enthusiastic kahoot round as well!

Open to all, ages 7 & up, everyone participated with great vigour. Trophies and prize certificates were given to the top 3 teams, and the next 3 teams were given consolation prizes.

The teams came back with a request to do regular Puranava sessions to enrich their knowledge about the glory of Indian Heritage and Culture.

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