Satsang in Muscat

Sri Namdev rendered a Sangeetha Upanyasam on Sri Thyagaraja Ramayanam at Sri Krishna Temple Hall, Muscat between April 1 and 7th. He was accompanied by Sri Suresh, Sri Bharath and Smt Vani Bhat from our Muscat Satsangh family. Smt Aishwarya Hari performed Bhajans and sang Madhurageethams.

Purapadu of Sri Madhuri Sakhi Sametha Sri Premika Varadan was held on the first two days.

The grand event concluded with Sita Kalyanam Bhajan and Sri Rama Pattabhishekam upanyasam attended by over 250 people. The highlight of the event was the narration of entire Charithram by Sri Namdev in the words of Sri Hanuman continuously for 10 minutes which drew a thunderous applause from entire audience.

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  • Sujatha Madhukar April 17, 2023, 8:08 pm

    So proud of you Namdev.
    You are doing all the good you can
    By all the means you can
    In all the places you can….keep inspiring people.
    It is indeed Divine Providence & Guru Krupa that you choose the right path at such a tender age. Very proud to be associated with u. Stay blessed

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