Sri Muraliji

Born in Chennai, Sri.R.Murali graduated from Madras University as a Commerce Graduate. In December 2009, after serving in a Major Oil Sector company, a Serivice Sector company & an International company for around 15 years, he quit his job and dedicated his full time to lecturing to show people that “Happiness is within‟.
He has got a very good knowledge of the “Azhwar Paasurams” (Naalayira Divyaprabandam) sung by Azhwars. He has been traveling around Tamilnadu conducting Mass Prayers & Satsangs for people across many cities & villages. He has this impressive way of simplifying & explaining the importance of maintaining Spiritual & Cultural heritage of India. He has been doing this for more than 8 years in cities like Chennai, Madurai, Salem, Coimbatore, Trichy, Pondicherry & many villages around Cuddalore, Sivakasi, Tutukudi, Virudunagar, Vilupuram, Vellore, etc.
He strongly believes that today‟s children have tremendous energy and enormous potential, to win over the world and much of it has gone untapped. This and his abiding love for and interest on children encouraged him attend to School programs covering various cities & villages across Tamilnadu.
For the past 8 years, he has been conducting motivation programs for hundreds of schools every year, covering lakhs of students. He has conducted numerous lectures covering the importance/need to identify the talents lying within children & motivate them.
October 24, 2018, 7:43 pm
Radhe Radhe
Very Inspiring and Motivating.
Pranams to Murallji on his service to Guruji
Jai Gurunath