Sri Poornimaji’s Satsangs – March 2023
March 6th 2023, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Jayanthi – Inauguration of Edmonton Namadwaar, Canada
Full article of the event can be viewed here: Inauguration of the Edmonton Namadwaar
Utsav lead by Sri Poornimaji in Toronto, Canada:
Bhagavan Sri Vishnu conveys to Sage Narada Maharishi –
नाहं वसामि वैकुण्ठे योगिनां हृदये न च |
मद्भक्ता यत्र गायन्ति तत्र तिष्ठामि नारद ||
Meaning: ‘Neither do I reside in Vaikunta nor in the hearts of the Yogis, but I dwell where my devotees sing my name, O Narada!!’
As the above sloka states, Bhagavan always relishes being celebrated by His devotees, especially through kirtan and katha! GOD Toronto celebrated utsav from March 10 to March 12 amidst devotees from all around Canada and USA.
With the grace of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, and led by Sri Poornimaji, disciple of Sri Swamiji from India, there was bliss every moment. The highlight of the program includes Katha by Sri Poornimaji, Divya Nama chanting and singing the Madhurageetham.
On Friday the March of 10th, the events included Divya Nama Chanting, singing the Ashtapadi followed by Katha Pravachan by Sri Poornimaji on Saint Purandaradasar at Sri Sridharji and Smt Suganyaji’s house in Brampton. Our Gopakuteeram kids added flowers to the garland giving performances like Katha, sloka recitals, abhang singing performance and Hanuman Chalisa chanting on March 11th, in the divine presence of Deities in Sri Siva Satyanarayana Temple, Mississauga. The event was followed by Katha Pravachan by Sri Poornimaji on Santh Meera Bai. Our Gopakuteeram kids received Certificates and Medals from the hands of Sri Poornimaji.
In the morning of March 12th, the utsav culminated with Radha Kalyanam, followed by Madhurageetham at Sri Balakumarji and Smt Akilandeswariji’s house in London. The utsav evening concluded with Sri Poornimaji’s Katha on Saint Jayadevar in Sri Ganeshji and Smt Tamilselviji’s house in Tillsonburg. These Pravachans were enjoyed immensely by devotees present there as well as devotees from around the world.
Most of the singing and instrumental accompaniment for all the bhajans, as well as setup and several sevas throughout the 3 days was by youth from all around the Canada and US. Their enthusiasm, energy and camaraderie were very inspiring to all attendees.
The Utsav was celebrated with grandeur. Annadanam was offered to devotees, and a grand Radha Kalyanam meal was served with traditional dishes. Over 50 volunteers from all over the nation made this event a grand success.
Bhakta Charitram by Sri Poornimaji in Phoenix, AZ
With the immense blessings of Sri Swamiji, Phoenix devotees were blessed to listen to Bhaktha Charitram rendered by Sri Poornimaji. We had a wonderful 2-day satsang listening to Bhakta Meera and Sri Thyagaraja Swami charitra on March 16 and 17 2023.
It was a blissful couple of evenings witnessed by an average of 50 devotees on both the days.
2-Day Discourse series by Sri Poornimaji in Irvine, CA
By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji, Sri Poornimaji’s 2-day discourse series Bhakta Charitram in Irvine, went very well on March 18th and 19th 2023. On the evening of Saturday, March 18th, 2023, Sri Poornimaji delivered a beautiful lecture on Sri Purandaradasar at the residence of Sri Sankar and Smt Sujan. Close to 60 people attended the lecture. Sri Poornimaji started the discourse with the greatness of satsang followed by Sri Narada’s charitham and concluded with Sri Purandaradasa’s charitram interspersing with lovely kirtans and Sri Madhurageethams.
On Sunday, satsang was held at the residence of Sri Sankar and Smt Kavitha from 10am to 1pm and Sri Poornimaji delivered a wonderful musical discourse on Sri Jayadevar’s life-history. The lecture commenced with an introduction to different types of devotion (bhakti) and then expounded the beautiful charitram of Sri Jayadevar followed by rendition of Ashtapathis along with the nectarine meaning for each Ashtapatis. The devotees actively took part in the divine rendition of Ashtapatis. Close to 60 devotees attended the lecture with awe and reverence.
First Satsang by Sri Poornimaji in Charleston, SC
Sri Poornimaji’s first satsang in Charleston, South Carolina. Sri Poornimaji gave discourse in Tamil on Sant Meera Bhai charitra on Mar 25th 2023 at the residence of Smt. Sudha ji & Sri Venkatapathy Kalyan ji. Over 35 bakthas listened and relished the discourse.
Sri Poornimaji gave discourse in English on Sri Tulasidas Charitra on Mar 26th 2023 at Hindu Temple of Charleston. Over 50 bhaktas listened to the discourse and temple authorities asked our GOD satsang to come back and conduct programs on a regular basis.
First Satsang in Delaware by Sri Poornimaji
By the grace and blessings of Sri Guruji, Sri Poornimaji conducted the first satsang in Delaware on the auspicious occasion of Sri Rama Navami, on March 29th. More than 25 bhaktas who were gathered for the satsang had the fortune of listening to the divine charitra of Shri Tulsidas. She beautifully brought out the life events right in front of our eyes through her describing how Tulsidas got the vairagya to have darshan of Lord Rama. Alongside narrating the key events in Sri Tulsidas charitra, she emphasized the yuga dharma of nama sankirtan as the simplest path to attain bhagavan. She quoted several of Mahatma’s life examples to bring home this message.
Sri Poornimaji also inspired the attendees to chant Bhagavan nama atleast once in the morning and in the evening as such a simple discipline will go a long way in changing one’s life for better and in invoking Bhagavan’s grace. Before the satsang commenced, the priests at Hindu Temple of Delaware offered Sri Mahalakshmi prasad to Sri Poornimaji.
Sri Rama Navami Celebration with Sri Poornimaji’s discourse in Philadelphia, PA
By the blessings and grace of Sri Guruji, Sri Rama Navami was celebrated with the discourse on Sita Kalyanam at Sri Tirupati Raoji and Soujanyaji’s residence in the suburbs of Philadelphia on March 30th. The satsang was very well attended by about 40 devotees including children. Sri Poornimaji expounded on how Ratnakar turned into Valmiki Maharishi by grace of sage Narada and bestowed Ramayanam for all of us to cherish.
She nicely summarized the events leading to Sri Rama jananam, narrating the bala leela of Sri Rama from Sri Thyagaraja swami’s kirtan, sage Vishwamitra – Dasaratha Samvadam, Akalya getting rid of her curse and concluded the satsang with the auspicious Sita Kalyanam.