Sri Swamiji – April Event Updates
On April 2 Ekadasi day, Sri Swamiji performed Tirumanjam to Sri Madhuri Sakhi Sametha Sri Premika Varadan and distributed theertha Prasad to devotees.
That evening, Samarpanam of Srimad Ramayana Lekhanam by 133 devotees was performed at Premika Bhavanam. Sri Swamiji did Sri Rama ashtotaram and Pooja to those 133 lekhana Granthams. Then, individually every bhaktha who wrote was honoured with Bhagavatha Pooja and Prasadam.

Sri Swamiji left for Pandarpur on 4th early morning and was there during the auspicious Panguni Uthram and proceeded to Benguluru on 7th. He did Utsavam to Sri Sundara Anjaneya Swami on 7th and 8th.
Sri Swamiji gave Dharshan on April 14th Subha Krithu Tamil New Year day at Premika Bhavanam in the morning and at Madhurapuri Ashram in the evening.
On 16th Ekadasi, Sri Swamiji did thirumanjanam to Sri Madhurisakhi Sametha Sri Premika Varadhan and gave theertha prasad at Madhurapuri Ashram.
In between, Sri Swamiji attended few private functions and gave recordings. At other times Sri Swamiji was in solitude doing Japam and Dhyanam.
Sri Swamiji reached Govindapuram on 22nd evening. He gave darshan to devotees on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya on 23rd morning. Later Sri Swamiji led the Rohini Padhuka Purapadu and later the Golden chariot procession in Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple in the evening and reached Chennai by night.

On April 24th, Sri Swamiji attended a devotee’s family wedding with Mahamantra Chanting at Kodungaiyur in Chennai’s outskirts.
On April 25th, Sri Swamiji celebrated Sri Sankara Jayanthi and Sri Ramanujar Jayanthi at Ashram with Sri Paduka Abhishekam and purapadu. On 26th, he was in Japam and Dhyanam.

On April 27-29, Sri Swamiji was in Ashram and attended a few private functions. On April 30, Sri Swamiji participated in a Patasala Convocation function at Athur near Chengalpet.

April 6, 2023, 9:57 pm
We’re All Blessed to Write✍️ The Ramayana Lekhana Yagyam, by the Grace of our Gurumaharaj, and to participate in the Ramayana Lekhana Samarpanam Function also?????
April 25, 2023, 9:26 am
Radhe radhe
May 2, 2023, 6:19 am
Radhe Radhe. We are blessed to watch this.