Fond Memories of Bliss

Fond memories of bliss – Part 34

Sivakasi is a busy industrial town in southern Tamil Nadu. The unique aspect of this town apart from the industries and printing press is the amazing faith that people have on Nama Kirtan. During Sri
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 33

One evening a few Bhagavatas visited Mathurapuri Ashram. On that particular day, Sri Sri Swamiji was not keeping well and was very tired and exhausted owing to the fever and hectic schedule. Upon
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 32

Smt Uma Surendran is an ardent devotee of Bhagavan YogiRamsuratkumar who lives in the Southern industrial town of Sivakasi. She lives every moment by the word of her Guru and is very dedicated to our
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 31

Everyday, numerous visitors come to have Sri Sri Swamiji’s darshan. Each one has his own story to narrate to Sri Sri Swamiji. The way Sri Sri Swamiji listens to each and everyone of them patiently
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 30

Amongst the devotees who came for Sri Sri Swamiji’s darshan, during His recent visit to Bangalore, was a family known to Sri Sri Swamiji for a long time. The little girl of the family was also
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 29

My brother Sundararaman works for a multinational software firm. He has been fortunate to bask in the shade of Sri Sri Swamiji’s grace for over 25 years now! Since his early days of association
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 38

Many devotees who come to have Sri Swamiji’s darshan seek atonements and prayers regarding health or other worldly matters. I have also seen many devotees come with a blissful smile and shed
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 39

Sri Kalyanakrishnan is an ardent devotee of Sri Sri Swamiji. He is so much devoted to Sri Sri Swamiji that he would not visit any temple or any other Saint, unless and otherwise ordained by Guru
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 40

Let me narrate an incident that happened during the mass prayer function that was held in Sivakasi. Sri Kumaravel is a devotee of Sri Sri Swamiji who coordinates the activities in the Sivakasi
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 41

I have accompanied His Holiness on umpteen trips and to many devotees’ homes. It is no exaggeration that every trip and every visit has been a novel experience to me. In every instance Sri Sri
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 42

Our Guru Maharaj used to say that not a single word that a Mahan speaks or a single action that he does is insignificant. I have experienced this many a time in the presence of our Guru Maharaj
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Fond memories of bliss – Part 43

This is an interesting incident that occurred years ago that goes to show how the most subtle thoughts that arise in a disciple are known to the Guru. There is nothing that is not known to the Master
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